Some of the Chili line-up
Socializing before the eating began
Last night we hosted the 2nd Annual Chili Cook off in our neighborhood. We had 9 families over (8 entered chili in the cook off) and had such a great time! We had 3 unbiased judges who did not participate in making their own chili. These judges were given cups of chili to taste and critique. After the judges scored each one, I added up the totals for each and the highest points were the winners! There was also a second place prize and we had everyone vote for their own personal favorite, who won the prize for overall favorite. The competition was fierce, but in the end, Kevin and Jodi were able to take away the victory (and coveted trophy) from last year's winners, Christa and Justin. 2nd place went to the Wendels AND Hiles (it was a tie). And the overall vote went to newcomers Peggy and Talbot! They were so excited, as were all the winners :-)
The New Champs!
2nd Place
Overall Favorite
We had tons of kids running around also, but were surprising well behaved. Evie put herself to bed at 8:30 and Gavin literally passed out on the couch around 10. We had some people stay for some crazy Rock Band playing - which was so fun!!! The kids passed out on the couch slept right through it :-)
We made mac and cheese and some pizza for the kids
Looking like angels
Mom of the year!
"Who says you can't drink wine and play the drums?" - me
"You look like the drummer from Def Leppard." - Christa
Overall, the night was a huge success and one more reason why I will be so sad to leave. It is hard to find such cool neighbors to hang out with and do things like this with. Sure, some people do block parties, but this is a group of real friends who truly enjoy each others' company. I am sure whoever moves into our house next (or rents it - Mary, are you reading this?) will be thrilled to be part of such a lucky, friendly neighborhood.
What a fun time! Even if you go to Japan, you'll have to come back for the annual chili cook-off ;)
And whoever moves into the house (mary...) will get some great neighbors!
LOL! You crack me up!
Looks like an awesome cook off...and I do love chili!
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