This has been such a gorgeous week weather wise (except for a few exceptions). We tried to take full advantage of it early with a spontaneous trip to the zoo on Monday. Luckily, many of my other friends had the same idea so we had 7+ strollers lined up in a stroller brigade through the zoo! Gavin was so well behaved so we were able to stay for a long time. It was a little rough navigating with so many people/strollers/kids but still a ton of fun! The animals were actually out and about and sometimes they were right up against the window for so great viewing. Gavin got up close and personal with a gorilla (not as up close as the lady in Amsterdam) but it was still pretty cool. He stood there making monkey noises and scratching his armpits hoping the gorilla would imitate. It didn't but it was still cool to look at.
Tuesday we went to Babies R Us and bought Evelyn her big girl car seat. We've been cramming her into the carrying seat because it is so much easier to port her around in it. But we were starting to get dirty looks from people (especially pediatricians) and we knew it was time. We ended up putting her in 3 or 4 different seats but we ended up with the same one Gavin has. She looked really comfy in it and we already know how to use it so it made sense to get that one. Plus it's only $79 as compared to $279 for the Britax brand (any mom will know what I am talking about). She actually didn't fit as well in the more expensive ones anyway. The only issue I have is it is totally black. Gavin's has a blue stripe down it to make it more boyish - so I am thinking of having her initials embroidered in pink on the head rest area. Just to give it a little flair. They only had 2 or 3 girly looking car seats - and she didn't fit well into any of them. After the BRU excursion, we had lunch at Whole Foods with our friends and bought daddy some Victory Hop Devil beer since it is the only place around here to sell it. He was still nursing a hang over but was happy I thought of him while shopping!
Our play group on wednesday was supposed to be at the zoo but it was raining a bit so we decided to hit the mall instead. I am always up for a mall visit! I had to get my watch sized (links taken out) but no one would do it since it is a Movado and I guess it needs special tools to fix it? I'll bring it back to PA to get it done where Mom got hers fixed.
Thursday was pretty mellow. Patrick had another journal club at Hyde Park (one of the nicest restaurants around here) and I had my wives club meeting, so we got the girl down the street to babysit. It is so nice to get out once in a while!!! We just decorated cupcakes - but the adult time with other women is what is so good. I am very fortunate to have such a great network of friends in Ohio as well as PA.
Friday was pretty low key also. We went to see one of our best friends before she left for Myrtle Beach. Her and her hubby and 3 month old daughter are staying at Dad's place down in Myrtle - but I will be in PA when they get back and then she and the baby are leaving to go to Germany for 2 months. So we won't see each other for over 3 months! It is sad because we rely on each other so much as friends out here, so when we don't see each other for so long we get lonely. But we will both be so busy - and will still talk on the phone and internet. Gavin ended up with a high fever later on so we just stayed in.
Saturday was exciting! Our neighborhood had a community garage sale and we whipped up some baby stuff in the basement last minute and put it out. We sold over $130! And didn't even try that hard! Patrick was just glad to get rid of it but it started to make me sad that we were done with babies (at least that's the thought for now). Considering I only get abotu 4 hours of sleep a night - I am okay with no more babies!!! But we are keeping the door open. It just won't be planned for anytime in the near future! But the money we made was short lived as Patrick went golfing with Matt Napoleon and I went to brunch with Amy and the girls! Bye Bye cash!!!
I am finishing cleaning, packing and getting ready for our trip home on Wednesday! Wish us luck for a safe journey home!
:-) Kelly