Sunday, March 23, 2008

Stupid York Peppermint Patties!

Yeah - they have egg whites in them. Not listed under allergy information - but they are in the ingredients (which I hardly ever read any more because it is REQUIRED to list them under allergy information). Oh well - I feel awful. I guess I can blame it on the Easter Bunny!

After the benadryl kicked in to keep his face from swelling even more, he had a horrible bout of diarrhea. Every 2 minutes it was back into the potty to pee out of his little 'ole butt. Poor kid. I have been feeling so guilty about it all morning. The pooh has slowed down - but he is still pretty miserable...


Ashli said...

Poor guy! That's no way to spend Easter!

Mary said...

I would have never guessed Yorks were made with egg whites. Poor Gavin. I hope he is feeling better.