Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 18

Today I am thankful for beautiful fall days in Japan. The colors of the trees are amazing this time of year! It can rival the most picturesque areas in all the world. Today we ventured out to the roller slide park and Okutama mountains for a wonderful adventure. The roller slides were super fun and the kids kept running back after they were done shouting "AGAIN! AGAIN!" They wore themselves out!!! Next stop was Okutama area. I wanted to go to a sake factory to get Christmas presents and to walk along the majestic river front area. It was perfect! The kids loved it and we spent hours enjoying the scenery. An additional gratitude was running into a friend from base. She speaks fluent Japanese and totally helped order all my sake for me...even asked for boxes (which were not really part of the deal). I am so grateful she made the process so much easier :-)

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