Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Little Pony

This year we did another gift exchange between the kids in our playgroup. Hannah had Evelyn as her Pollyanna and got her Starsong - one of the my little ponies - and a DVD of all the ponies. This has become Evie's new favorite thing. We collected some of the My little ponies from McDonald's happy meals and Evie really has loved them. She calls them "my ponies" and carries them everywhere. She takes them to bed, holds them while watching tv, etc. Last night we were visiting our friends, the Napoleons, and they were purging after the Christmas gifts their kids received. They were donating tons of used toys, clothes etc. When they learned of Evelyn's love of "My Ponies" they gave us TONS of things. Dozens of ponies, accesories, playlands, even the scooter! Bags full of great items that Evelyn LOVED! We cleared out her room before Christmas and have put her new kitchen in there, but no we can finish her room by adding these new toys. She has been in high Heaven since she got them - and I know the Napoleons felt good "donating" to Evelyn when they knew how happy is was making her! Thanks so much guys!!!!


the4bulls said...

PS - Doesn't it feel funny that our kids are playing with the same toys we played with 30 years ago?!?!

Mary said...

Leah loves the ponies too (just the ponies - no accessories)! I just saw Smurf toys at Walmart! So, so crazy!