This year was so fun for Halloween because Gavin was really into it and understood that people got dressed up and went door to door looking for "candy, candy, candy"! We were given the Garfield Halloween Movie as a Phantom Ghost - You've Got Booed present, and he has watched it every day to prepare. He told me if I helped get him candy he would let me have one piece (like Garfield says to Odie in the movie). How thoughtful of him!
This morning we went to COSI (the science institute) where they had a Bob the Builder Exhibit. We got dressed up (but were the only ones to do so) and I dressed like Daddy in scrubs and a surgical cap. Gavin thought that was so funny! We had a classic moment also while there when I had to take Gavin to the bathroom and after I changed him, I had to go. So as I was going he was like "Good job Mommy! I see those peepees. Gimme high five. You should be so proud of yourself". (You know, all the things I say to him). Then came the best line. The lady next to me was already giggling from his comments and then he says "Don't forget to wipe off your penis!" The lady cracked up trying to conceal her laugh. I laughed too! Childhood is just great!
Anyway, after COSI we came home and ALL took naps! When we woke up, we grabbed a quick bite to eat and then Ashli, Nathan and Carter came over for some trick-or-treating! We circled our block, then they left and we met up with our neighbors to circle the outer block. Gavin, Nathan and Carter were so good and said trick-or-treat and thank you at almost every house! And Evelyn was a treat herself sitting calmly in the stroller. She is so cute as Minnie Mouse! Gavin LOVED seeing all the fun costumes (especially other Thomas characters) and was brave when he came to spooky ones. He FILLED his bucket with candy - and most of the stuff is okay for him to eat. Mostly suckers and M&Ms. They are his two favorites! We had soooooooo much candy to give out and not that much left. Patrick said there were A LOT of kids! I love it!!! Next up - Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines Day and then SPRING!!!!
It looks like everyone had a great time! Your children are beautiful.
I loved the costumes G and E were wearing.
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