Wow! I really have a good excuse for not updating this blog in such a long time! My stupid cable/phone/internet company sucks. This is such a long, disgusting story of how large corporations can truly take advantage of people. Luckily, my sister Anna and her husband work for a cable company and cable installation/fixer subcontractor. They were able to whip out some good things to say to TIME WARNER (who sucks ass) to get the job done - after 3 weeks of little or no internet and phone connection. It really makes me want to drink to tell this story - so long and short of it is:
Problems with internet and phone
Rude customer service
Severely long hold times and waiting times for techs to come fix it
3 techs that don't know their head from their ass
1 tech who finally found the problem but couldn't fix it
another week without phone or internet
sister steps in and calls on my behalf and yells at time warner explaining IT IS ILLEGAL TO LET A CUSTOMER GO WITHOUT A DIAL TONE FOR OVER 48 HOURS so they have to come within 2 days - not one week
TW tries to skirt out of it saying they need a "specialized tech crew"
Anna tells them the Columbus dispatch would be interested to hear about this story - they get people here in 2 days
"Specialized techs" are supposed to work between 4-7 (it takes three hours to totally rewire house)
They arrive at 6:59 (although the write on the work order that they got there at 5:05)
They smell like smoke and know I am pissed they are late so they try to joke with me
They inform me they are not licensed in what needs to be done - although TW swears they are and tells me not to let them leave as they are just trying to skirt out of the job
My bro-in-law gets on with the head tech and talks shady-like tech stuff and all of a sudden the guys are willing to fix it for me
It takes about an hour and it is fixed
They leave their ladder at my house and call to ask if they could get it the next day
I said I would be there between 12-4...they said that was not going to work for them - but I said too bad, that is the only time I can give them
Now my cable is going out
The box is broken and they can't get someone here until wednesday - which was after I was on hold or told I would be called back for 3 hours
So...anyone out their love their cable/internet/phone company. Because mine is getting kicked to the curb!!!
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